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Hi All! 

I wanted to recap the information from parent night, not only for those present but also for the parents who were unable to attend. 


First, please make sure that you fill out all of your parent forms and sign up for concessions. It is important to have everyone help out to make this season great. If you have never done concessions or worked on a committee, no worries. We are here to help you every step!! Just sign up, and we will help you from there.  


Parent Contact Form

Committee Sign Ups


Committee Descriptions


Westwood Tournament




SubVarsity Tournament



We will have a limited supply of T-shirts available for purchase during home games out of concessions.  However, we have a full shop with shirts, hoodies, hats, yard signs, decals, etc.  Please visit our shop to see all the choices!


Yard Signs

Please order your yard signs through the shop early so that you can enjoy them for the whole season!  Check out the shop for ordering.

CRHS Volleyball Store


Gym Balls

Gym balls are available for purchase through our store.  These are the volleyballs displayed on the wall in the gym with your daughter's name and graduation year under their team.  Please do this early, so they are ready for the season games.  

CRHS Volleyball Store

Game Day Meals

We are still in the process of securing our game-day meals. We are looking for a team parent from each team to help execute this. Please sign up on the committee interest form above.  



Please get your booster club membership today! Check out the booster website for what is included with membership. 

Parent Night Presentation

This website is maintained by the Cedar Ridge Volleyball Booster Club and is not a part of Cedar Ridge High School or the Round Rock Independent School District.

Neither Cedar Ridge High School nor Round Rock ISD is responsible for the content of this website or the content of links external to this website.

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